Help us Create a Better World, One Step at a Time
We need skilled & talented people to guide and create change from within organisations.
- Wild Asia Academy
- RSPO Lead Auditor Course Plus
- RSPO Principles & Criteria
- Academy Courses
- Chemical Management
- RSPO Certification System
- Palm Oil Series
- Endorsed by the RSPO, this course provides the foundation knowledge to understand the RSPO Supply Chain Certification System. This course has been compiled to make it easier for palm oil companies and auditors to understand the RSPO system for supporting the production of sustainable palm oil. The course is based on the core RSPO documentation and we have provided more information where necessary or made references to related resources online.
- Global context of Palm Oil
Creating Innovative Solutions, from the Ground Up
The Wild Asia Academy is committed to providing an international, high caliber, learning environment for the development of skills, knowledge and experience necessary to grow organisations to meet sustainable business principles.
We understand that learning cannot be crammed, and there needs to be time to develop through implementation. We tailor our courses for specific industries that we know well and have had the necessary technical, field and practical experience.
Initiated in 2005, Wild Asia courses have been attended by an over 3,500 professionals from more than 15 countries..
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