The Academy’s RSPO Certification Series is designed to guide RSPO Members to understand the RSPO certification requirements. This is one of our longest running RSPO-endorsed training series, covering the two core components of the RSPO Certification System – one for producers and the other for supply chain actors. The courses targets RSPO members: companies to guide their management systems to meet the certification requirements and for RSPO auditors to improve their knowledge of the RSPO system.
Wild Asia Academy: Courses
We currently divide our courses into the following series: Palm, HCV (High Conservation Values), RSPO Certification (including those for Lead Auditors) and WAGS (Wild Asia Group Scheme – for group certification). In each course series, the foundation courses provide an entry-level understanding and technical courses are designed for providing specific technical understanding of a given subject.
Open for Subscription

ACA 15 – RSPO Supply Chain Certification System
Technical course on the RSPO supply chain model and certification system

ACA 04 – RSPO Principles & Criteria
Foundation knowledge in RSPO Principles & Criteria for Production