Wild Asia Academy: Sustainability for Producers and Markets
Our professional development training is run by the Wild Asia Academy. An arm of Wild Asia that provides both physical and online trainings. The courses available are currently designed to support oil palm growers meet global sustainability standards and for market-actors, we provide courses to help support the uptake of certified sustainable palm oil. Wild Asia is accredited training provider for the RSPO, HCV Resource Network, and Malaysian HR Development Fund (HRDF).
Wild Asia Academy: Courses
We currently divide our courses into the following series: Palm, HCV (High Conservation Values), RSPO Certification (including those for Lead Auditors) and WAGS (Wild Asia Group Scheme – for group certification). In each course series, the foundation courses provide an entry-level understanding and technical courses are designed for providing specific technical understanding of a given subject.
Open for Subscription

ACA 15 – RSPO Supply Chain Certification System
Technical course on the RSPO supply chain model and certification system

ACA 12 – Sustainable Management for Oil Palm Growers
Technical course on sustainable management for Growers

ACA 09 – WAGS Group Management System
Management course to provide an understanding of the WAGS Group Management System

ACA 06 – Understanding High Conservation Values
Technical course on understanding High Conservation Values

ACA 04 – RSPO Principles & Criteria
Foundation knowledge in RSPO Principles & Criteria for Production

ACA 02 – Palm Oil and the Global Context
Foundation knowledge in Palm Oil and its Global Context